Looking Forward to SUN CLAD

July 16, 2019

Somewhere among my writings, I have an unfinished novel. One of the characters is a man in his twenties who has been making his living by selling his body to other men. The novel is set in the nineteenth century, and he knows too well the dangers he faces every day. He meets a Native American shaman who understands his condition. He accepts the shaman’s invitation to a sweat lodge, and finds himself in a group of men. All of them take off their clothes to enter the lodge; and the young man realizes that he has, in all his adult life, never been naked with another man except to have sex. Now he is naked with a group of men, and their purpose is to pray.

This story holds a lesson for those of us who will gather at Easton Mountain for SUN CLAD.

When I am naked, I am not hiding my masculine power. At the same time, I am not denying the masculine power of another man. I am saying, “I see you as you are; I honor the masculine and the feminine in myself; I honor the masculine and the feminine in you.” This is a lesson the world sorely needs. As men who have sex with other men, we all need to honor and respect the masculine and the feminine within each of us.

At SUN CLAD, I will be offering a series of three workshops, with an overall title of “Naked Mysteries.” These mysteries are those of the masculine and the feminine:

  • How can I acknowledge these mysteries, both in myself and in another human being?
  • How can I hold the tension of both, the creative power of both?
  • How can I affirm the attraction I have for the masculine over the feminine without doing violence to my own inner feminine?

These are questions my workshop will explore through discussion of naked performances on video, through rituals of movement and touch, and through exploring the thoughts and feelings that come up during the discussion and rituals.

If you have followed my blog, you know that I consider myself a spiritual explorer. If you resonate with the questions above, I invite you to join me as a spiritual explorer. One way to do that is to register for SUN CLAD, August 21-25, 2019, at Easton Mountain. Check out this video and the description of the retreat on Easton Mountain’s website

The Promise of Sun Clad from Sunfire Thunderbird on Vimeo.

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